

05 Apr: 8. Collecting Evidence for What You Want

Every day our amazing brains automatically and subconsciously collect evidence from the world around us. But sometimes they misinterpret evidence or collect evidence that isn’t helpful. What, if anything, can we do if we want to change that?

In this episode you’ll learn one of my favorite self-coaching tools you can use to override your brain’s default evidence collection process. This tool is incredibly powerful, universally applicable, and simple to use. Listen in to learn the four-step process that can help you improve any area of your life.


15 Mar: 6. Seeing Each Other as God Does

Seeing others as God does can be challenging. Our brains are hardwired to make snap judgements of others based on their outward appearance and behaviors. How can we go beyond “looking at the outward appearance” and get closer to “looking on the heart” as God does (see 1 Samuel 16:7)? In this episode we’ll explore two tools that have helped me look more on the heart than on outward appearances.


13 Apr: 5. 3 Strategies to Accomplish Your Goals and Resolutions

If you set New Year’s resolutions or goals in January, there’s a decent chance you’ve already slipped up or abandoned them completely. But that doesn’t mean failure is inevitable. In this episode, we’ll explore three common obstacles to achieving goals and resolutions and three simple strategies you can use to overcome them.


15 Dec: 4. The Lies of Perfectionism, Part 3

This episode is part three of a three-part series on the lies of perfectionism. In this episode, I discuss lies five and six. If you identify as a perfectionist, or if you think perfectionism helps you do better work and be a better person, I invite you to question those beliefs. Listen in to find out more and to consider how they’re impacting your life.


08 Dec: 3. The Lies of Perfectionism, Part 2

This episode is part two of a three-part series on the lies of perfectionism. In this episode, I discuss lies three and four. If you identify as a perfectionist, or if you think perfectionism helps you do better work and be a better person, I invite you to question those beliefs. Listen in to find out more and to consider how they’re impacting your life.


01 Dec: 2. The Lies of Perfectionism, Part 1

Do you identify as a perfectionist? Do you think perfectionism helps you do better work and be a better person? Perfectionism pretends to be noble. It pretends to help you improve and grow. But for a lot of high-achieving women, perfectionism isn’t helpful. For a lot of high-achieving women, it creates crippling self-doubt and leaves them feeling anxious, overwhelmed, and stuck. In this episode I discuss the first two of seven lies of perfectionism. Listen in to find out how to question your beliefs around perfectionism and consider how they’re impacting your life.


18 Nov: 1. Question Your Brain’s Authority

Have you ever found yourself thinking you’re not good enough, you don’t fit in, you’ll never be able to accomplish your goals, or that life shouldn’t be happening the way it is? Most of us have limiting and painful thoughts like those that we automatically accept as true and feel powerless to change. In this episode, I share a 3-step process you can use to challenge those thoughts and think something different.